Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I've been tagged

was tagged by Adelle to play a “who are you?” game. so here goes--the rules of the game get posted at the beginning. each player answers the questions about themselves. at the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people, posts their names, and then leaves a comment on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged.

what was i doing 10 years ago?
Ok - so in 1998... I was working at the Northside Sun. I had graduated from Ole Miss a year earlier so I was pretty much just still young and stupid. I bought my first condo and I was having so much fun with my friends! I wish I had been a little bit more mature by this stage in my life... but it took me a few more years!! :)

five things on my to-do list today ( or things I did today)

1. Had to get my home room mom duties taken care of for Pinelake Spring Fever
2. Beau was at Mother's morning out today so I worked hard until I went and picked him up!
3. Bank and Post office ( sorry so boring)
4. Designed alot of new invitations !
5. Worked on Beau's birthday party that is coming up!

'five snacks i enjoy

1. I love any kind of crackers - wheat thins, cheez It's, fat free crackers.... I could live off of crackers... anyone that knew me in high school knows that I 've always been like that!

2. I really miss TCBY white chocolate mousse. Where did TCBY go??? I don't understand. it just vanished one day and I was obsessed and still crave my TCBY.

3. not really a snack - but i use i have to have it all day long.... i LOVE DIET DR. PEPPER!

4. chips at a mexican restaurant with queso... can't beat it!!

5. any sort of dip... that is my weakness. I will stand there and dip all day!! especially a yummy cheese dip.

five things i would do if i were a billionaire

1. pay off all debt and pay for college for my sweet babies ( and pay for college for my friend's and families children)
And just BLESS other people as much as I could!!!
2. give to my church & give to children's charities
3. save & invest
4. Build our dream house on the water ( or just buy it b/c Tal and I would get divorced if we ever built a house together)
I like to TALK about all of the plans and he doesn't! :)
5. I would love to be able to travel with Tal - with a nanny!

Five bad habits

1. I'm a picker ... not a nail biter... but a picker.
2. I get excited very easily ... but this leads me to get let down very easily. Tal always tells me not to have high expecations!
3. I love carbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is bad, bad, bad!!!
4. It is very hard for me to relax.
5. over-analyzing/over-thinking

five places i have lived

1- Born in St. Louis, MO. - but my parents only lived there for a year so I don't remember a thing.
2. New Orleans, Lousiana - until I was in 4th grade
3. Brandon, MS. - during high school and we had to drive all the way 'into town' to drive to JA everyday. I seemed so far back then.
4. Oxford, MS. - so beautiful!! Hotty Toddy!
5. And back to Brandon - Reservoir!!!!! I love it here!

five jobs i've had

1. The DM - The Daily Mississippian Newspaper. Newspaper for Ole Miss. Way back in 1995!! I'm old!
This is when I first fell in love with designing. I would design ads for the newspaper. I loved it!

2. The Northside Sun newsaper - Adverstising Sales Rep.
we got to design all of our own ads.... loved that!! I worded there for 4 years!

3. Mississippi Magazine - Adverstising Sales Rep. - also worked 4 years! Had such awesome clients and got to travel around this great state!!

4. I became a mommy while I was working at Mississippi Magazine- MY MOST IMPORTANT JOB ( and my favorite job) EVER!!!!!!!!!

5. I started Baby Face Design while I was at Mississippi Magaine. It was just something that I did for family and friends that i loved!
I prayed for a way to stay home with my sweet babies and GOD provided this wonderful business for me! I'm so thankful and so blessed to be able to do somethign that I love so much!!

five people i want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG):

1. jenny woodruff
2. Emily Hopkins - new blogger - you can do it!!!
3. Laura Tomlinson -just read her blog..... she is on my heart!
4. Stacy Seago
5. Jennifer O'Donnell

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LT (and Max) said...

you are a precious precious person. thank you for your prayers!

Unknown said...

Sweet renee -
Thanks for the comments on the blog.
About the ole miss hatin' - we are starkville born and raised. We were brainwashed!!
My best friend went there, so I do love people who made that bad decision.
Just kidding :)
You and your family are precious!

Heather Avery said...

Oh...I love white chocolate mousse too! Actually we still have one. It is in the gas station off Atkins Blvd. Where the K-Mart used to be and that McDonalds...if yo dare to venture to that side of I55...
Heather Avery

Jenny said...

did you know there will be a TCBY in that new gas station next to Soulshine on Old Fannin???!! I saw it on the sign the other day. I too am a HUGE fan of white chocolate mousse...I ate it at least 2 days a week in college:)

glad i got to see you last night! it had been too long.