Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tal's first tri-athalon

Yay Tal! He did so great. 1/2 mile swim, 26 mile bike and 7 mile run in July in Mississippi. He had only trained for the swim and the bike for 2 weeks before this. We passed him in the car and got to cheer him on with 3 miles to go - and then met him at the finish line - which was inside of the Neshoba County Fair! Mary Bratton was very proud of her daddy - until she got very upset because her feet got dirty inside of the fair.


The Dowdles said...

Way to go Tal!! And not only is he a lean mean triathalon-machine -- you should see him monogram!!! We love you guys!!!

The Segrest Family said...

way to go tal and dade! that is awesome! so proud of you two!