Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 29, 2006

State Game

We went to Starkville this weekend for the Kentuckygame. We tailgated with friends - in the perfect spot (thanks to Andrew :) ) I love these sweet friends and their sweet children!! And these kids adore each other and play so well together. It was great weather and David & Stacy hooked us up with seats at the club level. It was so nice! Gonna be hard to go back to those cold steel benches after that!! The families that were there were - The Jacksons, The Segrests, The Seagos, The Cross' , Andrew Seago and David's parents and Aunt and Uncle.

top picture - Mary Katherine, Camp (in the driver's seat) & Chad Segrest

Garrett Jackson (far left with football), Mary Grace Seago & Beau Guest

Stacy & Mary Grace Seago

Regular Catherine, Thomas & John Cross
Mary Bratton affectionately calls Catherine "Regular Catherine"
MB already knew Mary Katherine - and so she could distinguish in her own little way... she started referring to Catherine Cross as 'Regular Catherine' Posted by Picasa

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