Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Posted by
Renee Guest
7:11 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
100 things about me - Renee Guest
100 things about myself - Ok here is goes... I'm going to try -
1. I love my family - hard to describe how much i love these children and my husband.
2. I really think I have one of the sweetest husbands in the whole world. He has the best heart!
3. I love enthusiastic people.
4. I usually don't like to be by myself - I would rather have people around me.
5. I have always been an emotional person - sometimes this is good and sometimes this is very bad.
6. I HATE goodbyes!
7. Not always great at change.
8. I love my friends !
9. I like when people are up front with their feelings - hate that big elephant in the room.
10. I am quick to get things off my chest - usually dont' let things bottle up - I have to talk about it ( surprise, surprise)
11. I hate having to force down 8 glasses of water everyday - I'd rather have a Dr. Pepper.
12. I love being a mom.
13. I love my 'other' job - Baby Face Design.
14. I could live off of chips and queso dip and a Mexican restaurant.
15. I also crave sushi at least once a week!
16. As I have gotten older I have realized to appreciate the little things more. I love my life just the way it is!
17. Tal makes fun of me b/c I still have dreams about high school. I'm in my Accents outift with boots and all ready to perform but I can't b/c I'm pregnant and married.
18. I love reality TV - it is trash but I love it!
19. I LOVE to be around someone that makes me laugh.
20. There is nothing like a fun girls night out - Love my friends!!
21. I am a chicken about taking risks.
22. I love a good sale.
23. I usually love buying cute things for my kids more than I like buying something for myself.
24. I enjoy working out and I have been really liking running lately.
25. I'm not a great housekeeper.
26. I wish I was more organized.
27. I have become more 'unstructured' since I married Tal. He is so laid back!!
28. None of my family (Tal, MB and Beau) can tan and I LOVE the sun! But I love those sweet, white babies - all 3 of them!
29. I hate armadillas and possums
30. Not really a bird person either.
31. I miss my long hair - mainly the ponytail.
32. I love The Grove in Oxford!!!!! I love Ole Miss football - and any SEC football
33. I was born on Halloween
34. I'm a pumpkin, not a witch
35. I'm a very friendly person
36. I am hard headed - very stubborn
37. I am way too trusting!
38. I love to use color when I decorate or design.
39. I am horrible at reading comprehension - I have to read something over and over to really get it.
40. I do not like to be the chief - just an indian.
41. I am a very supportive encouraging person
42. I am a very loyal person
43. I love fun cheezy music.
44. I love taking pictures - obviously
45. I worked as an television new anchor on the Ole Miss Tv station. I was terrible b/c I would start laughing and couldn't stop.
46. i used to work and write for the Daily Mississippian - Campus Newspaper.
47. I am worried about going grey - hasn't happened yet but I'll be 32 on October 31st.
48. Tal is 4 months younger than me and it is the longest 4 months of the year.
49. I have THE worst singing voice in America
50. I like to be the first one in the morning to sing my friends Happy Birthday.
51. I love to surprise people with party's and gifts
52. I have 10 lbs. that I can't frieking get off since I had Beau.
53. I love my church
54. I love my small group - best friends EVER!!
55. I love red hair
56. I love hearing my children laugh.
57. I have hear 'myself' in my daughter already
58. I pray that we will raise Godly children - I worry and pray for their future.
59. The worst part about labor for me was the drip - hate it, hate it.
60. Mean people suck.
61. I believe a smile really is contagious.
62. I cry at weddings and funerals - and now that I'm a mom I cry when I hear little children sing.
63. I think I'm still a big kid and don't think that I will ever grow up.
64. I can parallel park better than anybody that I know - I had to do it in front of the sorority house for 3 years so I got lots of practice.
65. I went white water rafting once and it is still one of the funnest things I've ever done.
66. I used to be really good at tennis in high school and now I never play! - I miss it but I stink now.
67. I love carbs and hate that they make me fat.
68. I love boating and being on the water.
69. I learned to slolum - one ski (sp?) when I was pretty young - and I was pretty good for a girl.
70. I still got up on a slolum last summer!
71. Now that I'm older I'm scared that alligators are in the water and I never thought of it as a kid.
72. I am night blind - hate driving at night or in the rain.
73. I talk in my sleep almost every night. It sometimes freaks Tal out.
74. I love taking naps!
75. I am very social - love going to parties and seeing friends.
76. I will talk to strangers.
77. I love drive thrus - banks, pharmacy's.... easy not to have to get kids out of the car.
78. I think I might wear too much perfume and deodorant but I don't want to ever smell bad.
79. I have to sleep with my hair in a ponytail.
80. I analyze things way to much.
81. I used to think I looked better with a tan but now I think that it sometimes just looks trashy.
82. I love holidays with my kids and playing up Santa and the Easter Bunny...etc....
83. I have carpel tunnel - especially after these 100 things list....
84. I cross my toes - my big toe over the one next to it. Just like you would cross your legs. I never even knew that I did it until Tal noticed.
85. I love Mississippi - just a big small town!
86. Money is not everything - it is the people in your life and how you serve God that matters the most.
87. So thankful that God has never given up on me.
88. We named our daughter after Camp Bratton Green where Tal grew up and where he proposed to me. It is such an awesome place!! We love to still go back!
89. I love going spotlighting and looking for deer. I don't hunt but I think it is fun to try to find them at night when we go to the hunting camp or when we are at CBG.
90. I do not like scary movies.
91. i love hugs - given and received
92. I have been scared of the dentist since I was very, very little.
93. I love to help people
94. I am very easily excited
95. I make funny faces in my work out class when everyone else's facial expression never changes.
96. I don't know how I have come up with this many things or how in the world I am going to think of 3 more.
97. I'm tired
98. Thank you God for blessing my life!
99. I wonder if anyone has even read this all the way to 99.
100. I challenge all of my friends to do this! nite nite!
Posted by
Renee Guest
11:38 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Hey Stacy, itz yo berfday
Happy Birthday Sweet Stacy!!!
Stacy's friends all met at Cock of the Walk tonight to help her celebrate her birthday.
Stacy does so much for everyone else - I wasn't at all surprised to see how many people
came to make sure that Stacy had a special day! Happy Birthday Stacy!!!
Stacy and Bryant blowing out her candles!! That is Stacy's beautiful mommy in the back to the lefft holding Mary Grace!
Bryant ( to the right of Mary Bratton) was acting too shy to take a picture with her
so Mr. David was sweet to take a picture with her.
Posted by
Renee Guest
9:32 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Mary Bratton's wedding - she loves to get married!
Mary Bratton wanted to have a wedding tonight. She has watched our wedding video and wants to do everything that we did. So after dinner tonight we let her have her wedding. She doesn't want to get married because she wants to live with us forever but she wanted to 'marry daddy because he is already a husband.'
Here she is walking down the aisle.
Tal is so sweet - he went and put on his jacket and his tie for the wedding.
She made him pretend they were driving to the reception.
Posted by
Renee Guest
8:08 PM
getting out of the limo and going to the reception
Here are the some of the guests having a good time at the reception
Throwing the bouquet
Posted by
Renee Guest
8:01 PM
Mary Bratton's mile run
Mary Bratton ran her first race this morning. 4 years old and she ran a whole mile and got 3rd place in her category.
Everyone was so sweet cheering her on. She wants to do another one! yay! Mary Bratton
Posted by
Renee Guest
6:34 PM
3rd place - yay!! Mary Bratton
Her very first mile and she won a 3rd place ribbon. I was so proud of her.
She also won a door prize so she got to walk up front twice. She was the smallest little winner there so they ended up interviewing her and asking her how old she was. It was so cute!
Beau was exhausted after being pushed in the stroller.
Posted by
Renee Guest
6:30 PM
I'm training for a 10K on September 15th in Greenwood.
Today we ALL did the Hit the Bricks 5K in Clinton (baby steps) - 3.1 miles.
I ran and Tal ran and pushed the kids in the double stroller.
And Mary Bratton did her own race. It was a fun morning!
Posted by
Renee Guest
6:23 PM
My dad came over for a visit and he let Mary Bratton drive his truck down the street back to his house and back. She is dressed in her 'princess dress' - it is a flower girl dress that I wore in my aunt Suzy's wedding about 28 years ago.
Posted by
Renee Guest
6:17 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Ben & Buddy
Renee & Tal
Tonight we went to Cherokee for Ben David & Buddy Turpin's birthdays.
They were both born on July 11th - 6 years apart.
We had so much fun visiting with friends.
Happy Birthday Ben & Buddy!
Me & Barbara
Isabel & Mary Bratton doing their Superman blessing together.
On the left is Whit Turpin, Leah Beth and Buddy's little boy.
We counted how many 'Bratton Green' boys were born within a year
and within a group of friends there were at least 8 baby boys.
Monkey see, monkey do! Our girls using their very good manners
Posted by
Renee Guest
9:10 PM
Tal & Beau
Leah Beth & Buddy
Dick, D'Ella & Pam David. Dick and Pam are Ben's sweet parents!
We love them!
Me and Amber Gray. Leah Beth made the funniest poster of Ben and Buddy from their birthday years ago... see behind us.
Posted by
Renee Guest
9:02 PM
Isabel, Mary Bratton & D'Ella - how cute are D'Ella's glasses!
Isabel & Mary Bratton
Beau & Noah sharing some crackers
Barbara & Noah
Posted by
Renee Guest
8:59 PM