Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Beau's trick or treating style!

i thought that Beau might get the hang of trick or treating this year! ummmm.... NO!
Here was one of our first practice houses before we went to the Segrests!
Mary Bratton goes up to the door but Beau takes a rest in the chair!

if he did go to the door - he would walk straight into the house. We don't know this lady but as you can see - he is pushing his way in her house. after she went back in - he opened the door back up and walked back in!

Here we are at Mary Katherine's mom's house to trick or treat. she is trying to get pics of the kids... please notice that Beau is already in the house making himself at home!

and then here he is saying "I'm stuck" in between the hay bails on the trailor. He loves to GET himself stuck and then pretend like he needsd help!

Maybe next year!!!!!!!!!!!

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