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Friday, November 28, 2008

To the Egg Bowl in Oxford

We left late yesterday and headed to Oxford! We had been promising Mary Bratton that we would take her to a game!
The Egg Bowl is always bitter sweet in our house since I went to Ole Miss and Tal went to Mississippi State!
We had a great day! Beau was great at the game. Mary Bratton was smiling all day long!

I didn't catch Tal smiling much during the game ( Ole Miss 45- MSU 0)
you never know how next year will turn out so you can't ever rub it in or boast in any way b/c you will get it back the next year.
Even though it was a painful game for him to watch - he said he was happy seeing Mary Bratton enjoying it so much!

Mary Bratton loves the Rebels with her mommy so she and Tal made a bet of $1.00
Tal paid up at dinner!!

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LT (and Max) said...

sad day in the life of bulldog fans. tell tal i'm totally feeling his pain.

sure, we all knew the rebels would pull out a win, but a SHUTOUT?! don't you sorta kinda at least a little wish that we could have scored just once? :)

sad sad.

happy late turkey day.

heather short said...

That looked so much fun!!! You are such a great and wonderful mother!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Roxanne said...

What a great pic of MB with the red/white striped popcorn box and the red white and blue Rebel attire--you take amazing pics!!! Love visiting your blog!!! I am a blog stalker!hahaha