Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy 60th Birthday Ta Ta

Not exactly how we had planned - but that is what we get for thinking that we were in charge.
I have FAITH that God has a plan and this too was part of what he wants for us and for Ta Ta.
We are lucky that everyone was OK and made it out of the fire just fine.
It is amazing that it was not worse - I will be posting pictures soon of the damage.
Above is the birthday present that I gave mom to hang in her new home.

Stacy Seago came over today and brought this PEACE lilly for Ta ta along with the sweetest card and the sweetest cross charm. Purple is Mom's favorite color so I had the house filled with purple balloons - it was Mary Bratton's idea to get ALL purple for her.

Mary Bratton picked her out this cross windchime to hang on her new patio that says 'TRUST THE LORD"

Psalm 46:
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble

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The Segrest Family said...

Praise the Lord for awesome daughters! renee, you are a true servant. your mom is so blessed to have you!
love you

Woodruff family said...

Your faith is truly amazing. We are thinking of you!!
love you!